Miri Softball Open 2009

Miri Softball Open 2009

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Somewhere in Labi

Out of our mind of not knowing what to do today, so without thinking much we set out and headed to Labi. Nothing special thou, just that it's been quite a while now that i have not driven into the rural. Quite an odd feeling as if we were out of Brunei. So we drive on and on the winding roads till we reach a dead end...hehe..hmm..at Teraja, and turn nearby a rumah panjang. Then we dropby Wasai Wang Kadir for a while thinking if there's anything new there...hmmm..nope...still the same...hehe.. Feeling abit tired, then we headed back to civilisation.. mmm....had enough of the rural adventure thing... Only took a few photo shots..nothing really catchy there..hhehe...like what Erny said.. "apa nie hijauuuu sajaa....hutann sajaa...hehe..." ...deeeeee....urang bandar tah banar... 

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