Hello hai... its been a while that i haven't updated my blog..Been really busy lately.. Today got nothing much to do,emm..menahan sakit gigi..got 3 of my tooth removed yesterday and couple of stitches...errkkk...sakitt..!!..Got really bored, so me and my wife insisted that we would like to share our very precious moment in our life.. Last 2 days, i brought my wife for scanning at Panaga Health Center. This is her second scan and we we're really really excited. Taaadaaa..!!!..There it is..Its our 12 weeks old baby..!!.. the baby was asleep when the nurse started scanning. Well, me and wife tekejut lee..since this is our 1st baby (...owhhh..pandai tidor juaaa...hehe..) Then, the nurse said she wanted to wake the baby up....(..errkkk...tekejut lagii....buleh kahhh.. iski..heeheh..) and when the nurse was about to wake the baby up...the baby started moving on its own...(whooaaaa.....amaze lagi....kuasa tuhan ahhh...) We were really happy from the scanning result, the baby is very healthy and normal...Alhamdulillah... Then we went home and started showing off the scanned picture of our little baby to our family and frens.... Happy ehhh..can't wait...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
ErnyBoy 12 weeks old baby
Posted by
Aku Knights
3:12 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Men in blue tights
I found these early photo of knights just after the team being reformed again. It's not that clear thou but good enough to see who is who...hehe.. These photos were taken in Miri when we were invited for a friendly match with Miri softball teams, Stealers and Sunset Batters. It was like few years back now that softball was given a life again in Brunei. So we started forming back the team and had these uniform made. We were well slimmer before compare to now....hehe...(for most of us actually...hehe..), a few just doesn't really change that much...I wonder what's their secret...(jamu awet mude.. yee bang..???..)
Posted by
Aku Knights
4:35 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Scenery at Champion 7
Posted by
Aku Knights
3:07 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Pink tree and the white hair thing, by Chuwan of Knights
I did mention that i kind of lovin one of Chuwan's masterpiece...well here it is... This is one of Chuwan's acrylic painting which he has totally done completely within 5 days. Its a 30" x 30" in size and painted on a Fredrix's canvas. The beautiful part of it is the use of multi bright acrylic colours. Well i cant really imagine what's the picture is all about..hehe..but still because of the bright colours makes me fell in love with it...mmmm....yeaaa...heheh... Well Chuwan...really a great start for you in this painting industry, hope you'll keep on drawing and drawing and drawing.....and hope one day your name will be side by side with any other famous artist... Great job!!... (People..!!...to view this painting...its now located...in MY ROOM...!!!..heheh.. got a good deal wif Chuwan that i really wanted one of his 1st ever completed masterpiece.....well its not for free thou.....hehe..)
Posted by
Aku Knights
6:31 PM
Greetings...January 2008
On behalf of Knights and Sapphire, i would like to congrates our Capt/Mgr MUSRAPI on his birthday which was on the 1st of January.....Sorry kapitan....baru tau semlm...belated ahh...mudahan panjang umur...murah rezeki dan teruskan usaha anda.. GO!!..KNIGHTS!!!...and.. to our Knights 1st base Sand Trooper, SHUKRI congratulation to your newly born baby boy..!!!.....yeaaa.....Alhamdulillah....btw need a junior sand trooper costume now bro..hehe...cute tu....
Posted by
Aku Knights
1:16 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Chuwan's unfinish business...
Posted by
Aku Knights
9:52 PM